Why Our Telephone Number is Prominently Displayed....... 281-899-0543
Unlike most other websites, it’s not about us. It’s about you, your challenges, and the very reasons why are reaching out to us. But wait, there is more…..
This is a very minimalistic website. There are a number of reasons for this. First of all, we are very aware that most sites are at best, skimmed over. There is no need for us to post pages and pages of material which speak to how great a firm we are. You may not believe it,may not even have time to read it, and we already know it.(how is that for pure hubris?)
Secondly, we are not an ecommerce firm and we don’t need millions of visitors. We’re not after search engine optimization either. Our client base consists of companies brought to us via personal or business referrals. Our website is essentially a tool for those interested in our services to gain a better understanding of who we are and to judge our authenticity.
So, the strategy of this website is “Less Is More.” There is however, another theory behind our minimalistic approach. Here it is.
Although there is no doubt, firms make millions of dollars on the web, we feel there is real value in doing business the old fashion way – in person, on the phone or even through online meetings.
We don’t want to hide behind technology, we want to be up close and center with our prospects and clients. The most powerful tool we have in our business arsenal is the telephone. Let’s chat soon.